Car Loan

Find the car that fits your lifestyle with our competitive interest rates and convenient terms.


  • Competitive interest rates start from 8.25%.
  • Repayment period of up to 10 years.
  • Financing up to 100% of car value.
  • Repayment period of up to 120 months.
  • Exemption from grant commission on electric and hybrid cars.
  • Financing new or used cars.
  • No salary transfer or guarantor is required.
  • Availability of vehicle insurance solutions.
  • Free life insurance.

Terms and conditions

  • Eligible for Jordanians residing in Jordan or abroad, and foreign nationals residing in Jordan.
  • The minimum age is 21 years, should and not exceed 70 years at the end of the loan tenor.

Required documents

  • Valid national ID or valid passport for non-Jordanians.
  • Official quotation from a licensed dealership for new cars.
  • Diagnostic evaluation report issued by an approved entity for used cars.
  • Copy of car license for used cars.
  • Comprehensive insurance documents.
  • Proof of income.
  • Social security statement.
  • Bank account statement.

*Additional documents may be required upon credit evaluation

Apply Now
For more information

 please call the sales department at 06-5667431 or by email at

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