
JKB sponsors the Jordan Environment Society celebration for "Solid Waste Collection" competition

Jordan Kuwait Bank (JKB) hosted the Jordan Environment Society’s (JES) event at the Bank’s theater on Wednesday 15/11/2017 to honor the winners of the Solid Waste Collection Competition organized by JES on the occasion of World Recycling Day. The ceremony was held under the patronage of Eng. Anas Al-Khasawneh, the national coordinator of the GEF, and was attended by the Assistant Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment, Mr. Issa Shboul, the Chairman of JES, and Mr. Nael Sunna, Branches Manager ; representing Jordan Kuwait Bank. Also in attendance were representatives from various companies, official bodies, in addition to participating school officials and students. Al-Khasawneh stressed on the importance of partnerships among all stakeholders concerned in environmental issues to improve environmental practices throughout the country, provide solutions, and instill creativity and excellence in the adoption and implementation of constructive environmental projects. Mr. Sunaa, Branches Manager, said that the Bank constantly strives to enhance its social role, improve its relations with the local community and contribute to economic and social development. At the end of the ceremony, the participating schools and the winners of the competition were honored and certificates were presented to them.