
Jordan Kuwait Bank provides support to Operation Smile – Jordan

Jordan Kuwait Bank provided support to Operation Smile Jordan to perform free surgeries for children suffering from facial deformities including cleft lips, cleft palates and burns. The surgeries were performed at Al-Bashir Hospital under the supervision of Operation Smile Jordan’s medical director, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Bataineh, and abiding by Operation Smile International’s global standards and using their medical supplies and equipment.On her part, Mrs. Bana Marei, Executive Manager at Operation Smile Jordan, thanked the bank stating “I would like to thank you for your continued support to our organization, your generous donation helps provide children with life-changing surgeries that gives them a chance of a better life. Thanks to Jordan Kuwait Bank’s generous donation we were able to have more patients treated that we were unable to include in the mission that was held in November.”Mrs. Dana Jaradat, Marketing and PR Manager at Jordan Kuwait Bank stated: “Supporting the Operation Smile Jordan stems from our interest towards lending a helping a hand to less fortunate children. Our support for the Organization enables us to put a smile back on the children’s innocent faces and the hope of a brighter future and this is part of our social responsibility.”